Doe Network

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About Us

"Who founded DoeNetwork? The Doe Network was not founded or created by a single person, but rather it was established through the collaborative efforts of various individuals, including law enforcement officials, forensic specialists, and concerned citizens, who recognized the need for a centralized resource for identifying and locating missing persons and unidentified remains."

- Todd Matthews

The Doe Network began as a website in 1999, before evolving into an informal volunteer organization in 2001, and finally becoming an official 501c non-profit organization on July 29, 2011. This highlights the organization's growth and development over the years, as well as its continued commitment to providing resources and support for families of missing persons and to the investigation of unidentified remains.

Organizational Structure

We have a structured organization that allows each volunteer member to actively participate in a productive way.

Administrative Team

The Administrative Team is responsible for keeping our site and volunteer groups running smoothly. Each team member has specific duties to ensure the organization functions effectively.

Our administrative team consists of:

Donna Zorn, General Manager, Webmaster, Membership Coordinator, & Unidentified Persons Coordinator

Mary Bell, Potential Match Coordinator & Tips

Hether Belusky, Researcher Coordinator/Instructor, Missing Persons Coordinator, & Asst. Web Team Lead

Tracy Pampena, Social Media Representative

Judy Rother, Area Director Coordinator/Instructor

Dr. Richard Scanlon, Forensic Dental Consultant

Tara Kennedy, Media Representative

For general inquiries, please contact us at

Area Directors

The Area Directors serve as our localized link to investigating agencies. They are responsible for maintaining good communication with agencies located within their area, validation of cases, and submitting possible matches and information we receive from our members and web site visitors. View Area Directors Contact Information.


The Researchers are responsible for researching missing and unidentified persons cases that meet our criteria. They also fact-check information and find additional details about the cases featured on our site. View Researchers Contact Information.

Media Representative

Our Media Representative maintains communication with media organizations and conducts interviews when requested. Email media(at) or view our Media Center page.

Web Team

The Web Team is responsible for creating, editing, and closing cases on our website, as well as maintaining the overall website.

Potential Match Panel

The Potential Match Panel's responsibility is to evaluate and assess the likelihood of a potential match between a missing person and an unidentified remains case, based on available evidence and information. They review and analyze the details of each case to determine the probability of a match and whether further investigation is warranted. View our Potential Match Panel page.

Volunteer Members

Our volunteers work collaboratively to support our mission in various ways. They may focus on specific cases or geographic areas or have particular skills they can contribute to the organization. By leveraging their diverse skills and expertise, we can maximize our efforts in assisting law enforcement in solving cases of missing and unidentified persons. To become a volunteer please review our Volunteer page.

Administrator Area

This area is for DOE network administrators. Please click here to access that area.

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