Doe Network

3082DFSC - Frankie Viola Hurst

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Name: Frankie Viola Hurst
Nickname/Alias: Clawson
Case Classification: Missing
Missing Since: May 14, 1989
Location Last Seen: Anderson, Anderson County, South Carolina

Physical Description

Date of Birth: Circa 1961
Age: 28
Race: White
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown; curly, thick, used to be worn about shoulder length.
Eye Color: Green
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Scar on the neck from being bitten by a pony as a child. Unknown which side. Pierced ears. Scar on right wrist, scar on stomach. Gave birth to 4 children


Dentals: Not available
Fingerprints: Available
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Tight jeans and t-shirt; tennis shoes
Jewelry: Wedding ring
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Disappearance

Frankie was last heard from on Mother's Day, 1989 when she called her mother. Frankie had hitchhiked from South Carolina to Kansas with a man named Bob. She told her mother she was headed back home and was never heard from again. No communication with any family members since then.

Whereabouts unknown. Circumstances regarding disappearance is also unknown. She traveled alot, often hitchhiking to various states such as CA, AZ, FL, VA, KS, OH, SC, We Columbia, SC; but nothing substantial since 1989. Most addresses found had no date provided at all. She has family in both Virginia and South Carolina. She gave birth to children in SC and KS. None of her children have heard from her either.

Often known to hitchhike especially at truck stops. Often took buses & trains.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Anderson County Sheriff
Agency Contact Person: N/A
Agency Phone Number: 964-260-4440
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 201131605

NamUs Case Number: MP #9595

Information Source(s)


Admin Notes

Added: 09/24/2011; Last Updated: 06/06/2024 - By: mc

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information is from the time of disappearance.

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