Doe Network

2346DFQC - Pierrette Bouffard

1 1 1
Right 2: Age-progressed to unknown age; 66 years

Name: Pierrette Bouffard
Nickname/Alias: Unknown
Case Classification: Missing
Missing Since: January 9, 1997
Location Last Seen: Levis, Quebec

Physical Description

Date of Birth: 1956
Age: 40 years old
Race: White
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4" - 162 cm
Weight: 140 lbs. - 64 kg
Hair Color: Grey, wavy
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown


Dentals: Unknown; teeth in good condition
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Blue nylon coat and black leather boots.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Disappearance

Pierrette Bouffard was last seen in her home in Lévis, Quebec on January 9, 1997. However, in 2021, her family learned that a cousin employed at the Cité-de-la-Santé Hospital believes Pierrette was at the hospital between 2016-2019.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Service de Police de Lévis
Agency Contact Person: N/A
Agency Phone Number: 418-835-4960
Agency E-Mail:
Agency Case Number: ETC-970110-004

Information Source(s)

Journal de Quebec - 23 Nov 2022

Admin Notes

Added: 05-22-2007; Last Updated: 05-18-2024 - By: kb

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information is from the time of disappearance.

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