Doe Network

949UFPA - Unidentified Female

Baby Agnes Doe's grave in Oak Grove Cemetery, Tyrone, Blair County

Date of Discovery: February 5, 1987
Location of Discovery: Antis-Bellwood, Blair County, Pennsylvania
Estimated Date of Death: 1987 - weeks prior
State of Remains: Not recognizable - Decomposing/putrefaction
Cause of Death: Unknown

Physical Description

Estimated Age: Infant
Race: White
Gender: Female
Height: Unknown
Weight: 10 lbs
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown


Dentals: Not available.
Fingerprints: Not available.
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: None listed.
Jewelry: None listed.
Additional Personal Items: None listed.

Circumstances of Discovery

Several months after her death, the Tyrone Knights of Columbus asked for and were given permission to give the child a proper burial. They chose the name Agnes for her, after the Roman Catholic Saint Agnes, who is considered the patron saint of little girls.

Baby Agnes was laid to rest in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Tyrone on June 20, 1987. An error in measuring for the plot was made and an unclaimed spot was found. The small area was developed into "The Home of the Holy Innocent", an area to accept Baby Agnes and other unwanted babies so that they wouldn't have to have a pauper's grave.

Each year since she was found, the Respect for Life March has been held, starting at St Matthew Church in Tyrone and ending 1.25 miles away at Baby Agnes' gravesite.

"I think possibly this little child accomplished more in the two days she lived than many will in a lifetime, for she affected so many people"....Father J. Joseph Strittmatter, June 20, 1987.

Twenty years after her discovery, Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Charles Aungst renewed efforts to identify the baby girl, publicizing her case in the local media in the hopes that someone would come forward, but Baby Agnes Doe's identity still remains unknown.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Pennsylvania State Police
Agency Contact Person:N/A
Agency Phone Number: 814-696-6100
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: G1-294046

Agency Name: Blair County Coroners Office
Agency Contact Person:N/A
Agency Phone Number: (814) 940-5938
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 87-02
NCIC Case Number: N/A
NamUs Case Number: 16549

Information Source(s)

The BA Blueprint

Admin Notes

Added: 3/31/2008; Last Updated: 07/02/2024

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information may be estimated.

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