The Doe Network:
Case File 551UMOR

Victim's Compass

Unidentified White Male

  • The victim was discovered on August 24, 2002 in Eastern Linn County, Oregon
  • Estimated Date of Death: Spring, 2002
  • Partially Skeletonized
  • natural causes of death, exposure

Vital Statistics

  • Estimated age: 50 - 60's years old
  • Approximate Height and Weight: 5'5" - 5'7"; 175 lbs
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Red hair, some facial hair. Mild scoliosis.
  • Dentals: Available. Extensive fairly high-quality dental work. Three gold crowns.
  • Clothing: Levi 501 jeans size 36/30, dress belt, white Jockey underwear, 1 wool sock, size 7 Vasque hiking boots, Seiko Watch, over $6000.00 in cash and misc hiking/camping gear (Lowe Alpine Systems brand backpack)
  • Fingerprints: Not available
  • DNA: Available

Victim's Belongings

Case History
The victim was located by a man doing survey work for the U.S. Forest Service at a campsite located off the Pacific Crest Trail, five miles south of Big Lake in Mt. Washington Wilderness, eastern Linn County, Oregon.

No identification was found, but investigators did find six-thousand dollars in cash near the body. Investigators also found various items near the body, including down coat, rain poncho, wool gloves, backpack and several aluminum fuel bottles. The man had set up a campsite consisting of a blue tent without a floor, sleeping bag and pad. Food that would not require cooking were also found. Investigators found no stove, matches or lighters.

He might not have had a great deal of experience in wilderness travel, though he did have adequate supplies for several days of inclement weather.
The campsite was not near any water source. Two small ponds are located about a mile away, identified on wilderness maps as the Washington Ponds. No climbing equipment was found in the area, and no knives or firearms were found near the body.

If you have any information about this case please contact:
Linn County Sheriff's Office
Lt. Barnes

You may remain anonymous when submitting information.

Agency Case Number: 02-12408

NCIC Number: U040003760
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:

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Last Updated: 9/4/2012 - By: BR / Web Assist