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5172DMOK - Logan Lynn Tucker

Logan Tucker Logan Tucker
The image to the right is age-progressed to 16 years.

Name: Logan Lynn Tucker
Case Classification: Endangered Missing
Missing Since: June 23, 2002
Location Last Seen: Woodward, Woodward County, Oklahoma

Physical Description

Date of Birth: April 10, 1996
Age: 6 yrs old
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 3'6"
Weight: 42 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Nickname/Alias: None
Distinguishing Marks/Features: None


Dentals: Not Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Disappearance

During June 2002, Tucker was living with his mother, Katherine Rutan (aka Katherine Pollard), his younger brother, and a roommate. The exact date of Tucker's disappearance is unknown, but on June 23rd, Rutan told her roommate and her friends that the Department of Human Services had removed him from the home. Human Services had taken the child before when his mother threatened him, so no one questioned Rutan's story.

Tucker's grandparents reported his disappearance on July 7, after trying to contact Tucker and getting evasive answers from his mother as to his whereabouts. When the police went to question Rutan, she said Tucker went to stay with an uncle in West Virginia. The uncle, however, does not live in West Virginia and claims he had not seen Tucker in over a year. At another point she stated that Logan was with her brother in Pennsylvania or Vermont.

Rutan hired a lawyer and refused a polygraph test. On June 19, 2002, Rutan contacted the Department of Human Services requesting help with Logan. The following day she wanted to relinquish parental rights to both of her sons. She was informed that it would be arranged for Logan to be placed in a facility but not until four days later. On June 23rd, Rutan's roommate reportedly heard Logan screaming and crying. Later that day it is reported that Rutan asked to borrow a shovel and plastic to dig up wildflowers. Logan's younger brother stated that his mother drove him and Logan out to the country with a shovel and plastic. He said that Logan was sitting in the backseat and looked sick but wasn't crying or talking. His mother got out of the car with Logan but returned alone. When asked why his mother needed the plastic, the child replied, "to bury Logan." A massive search in July, and others that followed, never turned up any signs Logan.

In February 2006, Katherine Rutan was charged with the first-degree murder of her son, Logan. The following month, a major search of a landfill was planned by investigators. The search began in April 2006 and is ongoing.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Woodward County Sheriff's Office
Agency Contact Person: Under Sheriff Kevin Mitchell
Agency Phone Number: 580-256-3264
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 0702-186

NamUs Case Number: 6746
NCIC Case Number: N/A
NCMEC Case Number: 939490

Information Source(s)

North American Missing Persons Network

Admin Notes

Added: 5/16/2017; Last Updated: 11-13-2021 - By: Htmlcnvtr

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information is from the time of disappearance.

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