Doe Network

4915DMPA - Revell Reuben Jeeter

Revell Reuben Jeeter

Name: Revell Reuben Jeeter
Case Classification: Endangered Missing
Missing Since: July 14, 2003
Location Last Seen: Harrisonville, Fulton, Pennsylvania

Physical Description

Date of Birth: August 22, 1943
Age: 59 years old
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Hair Color: Sandy
Eye Color: Blue
Nickname/Alias: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Small flesh-colored mole on right cheek. He wore a short grayish beard.


Dentals: Available. Tooth #7 or #10 (labial or lateral incisor) missing.
Fingerprints: Not available
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Gold-tone watch worn on right wrist.
Additional Personal Items: Reading glasses with black plastic frames.

Circumstances of Disappearance

Revell Reuben Jeeter was last seen between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. purchasing steaks at the butcher shop in the vicinity of Lincoln Way and South 2nd Street in McConnellsburg. He was reported missing after failing to show up at a get-together with friends in Adams County.

The strongest clue that he did not leave of his own accord was the discovery of his beloved terrier, Bubba, in his home.

In 2008, according to state police reports, convicted attempted murderer, Greg Rouzer and his father, Kenneth Vernon Rouzer, had alluded to the possible whereabouts of Jeeter's body. Police searched a property adjacent to Jeeter's home, but didn't find anything. The police also drained two nearby wells based on tips and rumors that Jeeter's body had been disposed of in one of these wells. There were no signs of a body ever being in either well.

In July 2010, a judge legally proclaimed Jeeter dead. PA State Police are considering this case to be a homicide.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Pennsylvania State Police
Agency Contact Person: Criminal Investigation Unit
Agency Phone Number: (717) 485-3131 or (814) 696-6100
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: G05-0914389

NamUs Case Number: 848
NCIC Case Number: M-523417842

Information Source(s)

North American Missing Persons Network
Fulton County News
Herald-Mail Media

Admin Notes

Added: 2/18/16; Last Updated: 11-13-2021 - By: Htmlcnvtr

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information is from the time of disappearance.

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