Doe Network

486UFPA - Unidentified Female

photo of key photo of key1
Alpha Zeta Beta sorority key with the name "E. Mathis" on it.

Date of Discovery: December 8, 2006
Location of Discovery: Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Estimated Date of Death: 2001-2006
State of Remains: Partial Skeleton & partial decomposition- head and feet not recovered
Cause of Death: Unknown

Physical Description

Estimated Age: 34-65 years old
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown or auburn hair
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Four red acrylic fingernails were recovered. She had arthritis on the lumbar vertebrae.


Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Thin, white torn clothing, possibly from a blouse, skirt, or dress. No pattern, size, or brand evident; darker color nylon knee high stockings.
Jewelry: Yellow metal necklace and charm. The charm is a sorority key with missing stones and is inscribed with "AZB", E. MATHIS, Life Member June 2, 1946, Alpha Delta."
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery

The victim was located in a black plastic trash bag in a vacant lot, near Tusculum Street, which parallels the railroad tracks, in the Kensington section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 8, 2006. Investigators suspect she had been dug up elsewhere and dumped in this lot at a later date. She was left haphazardly about 30 yards away from a set of old railroad tracks.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office
Agency Contact Person: Seth Ditizio, Medicolegal Death Investigator
Agency Phone Number: 215-685-7445
Agency Email:
Agency Case Number: 06-5308

NCIC Case Number: U-490018644
NamUs Case Number: UP446

Information Source(s)

NamUs 6/18/07
Philadelphia Daily News 12/9/06

Admin Notes

Added: 03/25/2008; Last Updated: 07/04/2024

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information may be estimated.

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