Doe Network

4025UMCA - Unidentified Male


Date of Discovery: November 25, 2019
Location of Discovery: San Diego, San Diego County, California
Estimated Date of Death: , prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Unknown

Physical Description

Estimated Age: 30-50 years old
Race: Hispanic / Latino
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 179 lbs
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown


Dentals: Available
Fingerprints: Available
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Black ski vest, light-colored buttons down shirt, and dark underwear
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery

The decedent was an unidentified Hispanic male approximately 30-50 years of age with an unknown marital or residential status. On 11/25/2019, a United States Coast Guard vessel patrolling the waters off the California coastline was notified that a private vessel had found the unresponsive decedent floating in the ocean west of San Diego. The Coast Guard vessel responded to the other vessel's location and contacted the decedent with death being confirmed due to postmortem changes.

Possible Name: Gabriel Cisneros Hernandez
Possible Aliases: Gabriel Hernandez Cisneros, Felipe Leon Armenia, David Cisneros

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: San Diego County Medical Examiner's Office
Agency Contact Person: Unknown
Agency Phone Number: 858-694-2895
Agency E-Mail: Unknown
Agency Case Number: 2019-03007

NCIC Case Number: Unknown
NamUs Case Number: UP65116

Information Source(s)


Admin Notes

Added: 06/13/2024; Last Updated: 06/13/2024

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information may be estimated.

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