Doe Network

3678UMTX - Unidentified Male

Date of Discovery: March 10, 1989
Location of Discovery: Houston, Harris County, Texas
Estimated Date of Death: March 1989
State of Remains: Not recognizable - Decomposing/putrefaction
Cause of Death: Homicide- Knife stab wounds

Physical Description

Estimated Age: 50-60 years old
Race: White/Hispanic
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 182 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown/Gray
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Balding hair; mustache.


Dentals: Unavailable; No teeth.
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Wearing gray with blue stripes, short sleeve shirt, black Wing Tips shoes, white V-neck undershirt, brown belt, jockey underwear and blue jeans. A black leather jacket was found near the body.
Jewelry: Aldine High School ring, white metal crucifix, yellow metal wedding band, yellow metal wrist watch
Additional Personal Items: Found with Spanish religious booklet, 70 dollars and ''Alladin's Castle Club'' coin.

Circumstances of Discovery

The victim was located at 11700 Tidwell in Green Bayou, Houston, Texas.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences
Agency Contact Person: Deborrah Pinto
Agency Phone Number: 832-927-5000
Agency E-Mail: deborrah.pinto(at)
Agency Case Number: ML89-1627

Agency Name: Harris County Sheriff's Office
Agency Contact Person: Unknown
Agency Phone Number: 713-221-6000
Agency E-Mail: Unknown
Agency Case Number: 89064777

NCIC Case Number: U-150020774
NamUs Case Number: 735
Former Hot Case Number: 1580

Information Source(s)

Texas Department of Public Safety
Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences

Admin Notes

Added: 3/29/2009; Last Updated: 07/18/21

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information may be estimated.

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