Doe Network

338UMAZ - Unidentified Male

Reconstructions of the decedent (right by Charles E. Holt).

Date of Discovery: June 19, 2001
Location of Discovery: Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona
Estimated Date of Death: Days prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Unknown

Physical Description

Estimated Age: 18-25 years old
Race: White and/or Hispanic
Sex: Male
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120-140 lbs.
Hair Color: Black or brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown


Dentals: Available
Fingerprints: Available
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: White, ribbed tan T-shirt, blue jeans, brown Calvin Klein belt with buckle. Brown leather bracelet.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery

The decedent was found at 3700 West Grand Avenue and the rail road tracks.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Maricopa County Medical Examiner
Agency Contact Person: Christen Eggers
Agency Phone Number: 602-506-3322 or 602-506-2083
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 01-1889

Agency Name: Phoenix Sheriff's Department
Agency Contact Person: Detective Somershoe or Sergeant Steele
Agency Phone Number: 602-261-8065 (Somershoe) or 602-534-9625 (Steele)
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: Unknown

NCIC Case Number: U030016868
NamUs Case Number: 1974

Information Source(s)

NamUs Maricopa County Medical Examiner
Phoenix Sheriff's Department

Admin Notes

Added: Prior to 2011; Last Updated: 12/11/17

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information may be estimated.

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