The Doe Network:
Case File 234UFPA

Reconstruction of Victim
Unidentified White Female
- Located on June 26, 1998 in Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
- The nature of the death is listed as suspicious.
- Cause of death was suffocation and / or drug abuse.
- Estimated Date of Death is approximately 3 days (72 hours) prior to discovery
Vital Statistics
- Estimated age: 30 + years old
- Approximate Height and Weight: 5'7"; 100-120 lbs.
- Distinguishing Characteristics: Shoulder length brown hair; small build. Both ears double-pierced. She had at one time received a Cesarean Section and was absent ovaries. Scar on her right arm, inside elbow. Possible scar in the middle of her forehead. Noticeable track-marks on left arm. No previous fractures.
- Dentals: Available. She had good dentition. Missing teeth (antemortem): #4 (2nd bicuspid), # 30 (1st molar) and # 32 (3rd molar/wisdom). Two of the teeth (mandibular first and third molars) showed advanced caries destruction (cavities). One tooth (maxillary right first molar) shows an apparent filling. Dental overbite.
- Tattoos: On her right ankle was a tattoo inscribed with "Benji"; the tattoo had a red heart dotting the letter "i" and a red heart under the letter "B".
- Fingerprints: Available
- Clothing/Jewelry: None

Victim's Tattoo
Case History
On June 26, 1998, the victim was discovered at the landfill by workers. The body was among waste possibly deposited by a trash hauler from outside the Schuylkill County area. Rubbish near where the body was found indicates the possibility that this particular load may have originated in the Philadelphia area or surrounding areas.
If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Schuylkill County Crimestoppers
Pennsylvania State Police
Schuylkill Haven
NCIC Number:
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.
Source Information:
Pennsylvania Crime Stoppers
Pennsylvania State Police
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