Doe Network

1577UMFL - Unidentified Male

Reconstruction of victim by Samantha Steinberg

Date of Discovery: July 7, 1997
Location of Discovery: Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida
Estimated Date of Death: Days prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Drug overdose

Physical Description

Estimated Age: 30-42 years old
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Needle tracks on right arm, goatee and mustache


Dentals: Available
Fingerprints: Available
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: : "Cotler" brand beige dress pants (no size label) with a black belt with a rectangular buckle. A Tee-shirt size large "JUN JUL" brand. Tee-shirt is black and has a red insignia on it along with FLORIDA STATE across from it (in red). Medium "Fruit of the Loom" briefs with grey waistband.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery

The deceased was lying face down in the rear of a warehouse at 78 NE 4th Court. According to the person who found the deceased, homeless people used the building for sleeping and drug users use the building for drug use.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Miami-Dade Medical Examiner
Agency Contact Person: Brittney McLaurin
Agency Phone Number: 305-545-2400
Agency E-Mail:
Agency Case Number: 1997-1593

NCIC Case Number: U-058255036
NamUs Case Number: 7513

Information Source(s)


Admin Notes

Added: 2/9/2010; Last Updated: 04/23/21

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information may be estimated.

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