Doe Network

1401UFIL - Unidentified Female


Reconstruction of the victim by Kim Parkhurst, Carl Koppelman, NCMEC and Beth Buchholtz; images of sweater.

Date of Discovery: October 2, 1976
Location of Discovery: Erienna Township, Seneca, Grundy County, Illinois
Estimated Date of Death: 1 day prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Homicide by gunshot

Physical Description

Estimated Age: 15-27 years old
Race: Black
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7" to 5'9"
Weight: 130 to 150 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Scar on right hip, lower right abdomen, which could be a birthmark.


Dentals: Available.
Fingerprints: Available.
DNA: Available.

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Nude. A red, white and black knit sweater was around her head.
Jewelry: None.
Additional Personal Items: None.

Circumstances of Discovery

The victim was found in a ditch on US Route 6, 1.4 miles east of the LaSalle County line at around 3:00 PM on October 2, 1976. The body was not likely at this location for very long.

She had been shot once in the back of the head with a .38 caliber revolver.

Her head was covered with a green plastic bag bound with black electrical tape, along with a multi-colored knit sweater.

Authorities ran the woman's photograph in the Chicago Daily Bullitin newspaper and submitted her fingerprints to the FBI and other crime labs in the United States but there were no results.

After 54 days, she was buried in an unmarked grave.

The DNA Doe Project, known for their research in genetic genealogy, was eventually contacted for assistance. In November 2019, the organization announced a fourth cousin or niece/first cousin were identified in Alabama.

The DNA Doe Project suggests the following: The victim was likely born between 1948 and 1960 and would have been missing by October 1976. Her parents may have come from Selma, Alabama. One set of her grandparents were from Selma, Alabama.One of her grandparent's was likely named Calhoun. One great-grandparent may have been named Harris. Other possible areas her relatives reside: Dallas County or Wilcox County, Alabama. At least one branch of her family moved to Ohio. She may have siblings, who were unaware of her existence.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Grundy County Coroner
Agency Contact Person: Deputy Chief Coroner Brandon Johnson
Agency Phone Number: 815-942-3792
Agency E-Mail:
Agency Case Number: 10-76-36

NCIC Case Number: U910029125
NCMEC Case Number: 1339118
NamUs Case Number: 17621

Information Source(s)

ABC 33

Admin Notes

Added: 5/4/18; Last Updated: 6/12/20

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information may be estimated.

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