Doe Network

1335UMGA - Unidentified Male

Resconstruction of Victim by Foresnic Artist Marla Lawson

Date of Discovery: March 6, 2005
Location of Discovery: Kingsland, Camden County, Georgia
Estimated Date of Death: Moments prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Gunshot wound

Physical Description

Estimated Age: 40-45 years old
Race: Asian
Sex: Male
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 to 130 lbs.
Hair Color: Black with some gray
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Dragon tattoo on back left shoulder; partial tattoo outline on right shoulder


Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery

The victim was shot by homeowner during a burglary.

He was possibly known as "Dom" and may be from Laos. Possibly has a daughter living in Oklahoma or Mississippi.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: GBI Regional Office-Kingsland
Agency Contact Person: N/A
Agency Phone Number: 912-729-6198
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: N/A

NCIC Case Number: Unknown
NamUs Case Number: 116550

Information Source(s)


Admin Notes

Added: 11/05/2009; Last Updated: 06/2/2024

Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team

** Listed information may be estimated.

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