The Doe Network:
Case File 1308UMAR

Reconstruction of Victim by Carl Koppelman
Unidentified Black Male
- The victim was discovered on October 28, 1982 in West Memphis, Crittenden County, Arkansas
Vital Statistics
- Estimated age: 30-60 years old
- Approximate Height and Weight: 75"; 185 lbs.
- Distinguishing Characteristics: Kinky black hair, measuring 2 1/2 inches; brown eyes. Long gray and black side burns with a gray half moon beard (chin is shaved), and horseshoe shaped mustache, dark to black in color.
- Dentals: Available.
- Clothing/Jewelry/Items: A pair of blue pants, 34 waist, Work Wear Corporation and a tag bearing the number 3M-1312-09, underneath that number is 02-0-5. A brown belt, a pair of plaid boxers, a long sleeve green wind breaker, a short sleeve shirt with blue linear stripes, and a short sleeve T-shirt. A high top black boot, a pair of short white socks, and a pair of burgundy socks. A gold-like ring on right ring finger, a small container of Vaseline, a lip balm, a key, a "cricket" lighter, two dimes, one nickel, two pennies, a map, and several "Rider's Guide" pamphlets (Memphis Area Transit Authority).
- Fingerprints: Available
- DNA: Not available

Map, Clothing and Personal Effects
Case History
This victim was found floating in the Mississippi River at the river port by the Coast Guard.
If you have any information about this case please contact:
Crittenden County Coroners Office
You may remain anonymous when submitting information.
Agency Case Number:
NCIC Number:
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.
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