Victim's tattoos
Date of Discovery: November 14, 2006
Location of Discovery: Ontario, San Bernardino County, California
Estimated Date of Death: One day prior
State of Remains: Not recognizable - Decomposing/putrefaction
Cause of Death: Blunt force trauma to the head
Estimated Age: 21-25 years old
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Height: 5'2", Measured
Weight: 113 lbs., Measured
Hair Color: Black, short.
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: One finger on his left hand had been amputated at the knuckle. Small (1.5" to 2") scar to right wrist. Oblong birthmark (3" x 2") on the left side. Tattoos: A sunburst design with a heart in the middle on the upper right chest; a mask (clown) on the upper left arm; "Mikdalia" (?) on the left forearm; skull and crossed bones on the upper right arm; 5 or 6 letters--(P I Y A V A)? on right forearm; "M" on left thigh; and a linear design which appears to be a block "X" on lateral right lower leg. These are not US prison tattoos.
Dentals: Available. #7 fractured, 8, 26, 27 missing postmort, 17, 32 impacted. Dental chart and X-rays are on file with the California Department of Justice, Missing/Unidentified Persons Unit (P.O. Box 903387, Sacramento, CA 94203-3870: Phone 916-227-3290, Fax 916-227-3270, Email:
Fingerprints: Available. Fingerprints are on file with San Bernardino County Sheriff Scientific Investigations, CAL-ID Section: 909-890-5000 – Reference #06-1824.
DNA: Available - FBI NMPDD (CA DOJ-DNA/CODIS # BK-06-001163).
Clothing: Long-sleeved white collared shirt with what appeared to be brown striped, white tank top, white or off-white jeans, and white boxer briefs. There were no socks nor shoes located.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown
A gardener clearing brush behind a business in the 1300 block of E. D Street saw a body near the back fence of the property and contacted the Ontario Police Department. The victim was located with trauma to the head near a campsite at 1:12 PM.
Possibly a local transient, some people in the area knew him as "Marco Antonio Aguello Perez," possibly from Chiapas, Mexico.
Agency Name: San Bernardino County Sheriff Department - Coroner Division
Agency Contact Person: Robert Hunter
Agency Phone Number: 909-387-2978
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 06-8806; John Doe #36-06
NCIC Case Number: U920018023
NamUs Case Number: 913
San Bernardino County Coroner's Office
Added: 5/15/08; Last Updated: 10/26/17
Questions or comments? Please contact appropriate member of the Area Team
** Listed information may be estimated.
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